You may be going through a particular difficulty with your family, relationships or work, or going through a time of transition, for example having suffered a bereavement.
Counselling provides a safe space in which to talk and reflect. Whilst I do not give advice, talking to someone outside the situation, can help you think about what you are going through and the choices you may have. Counselling can bring about a more objective perspective and have a beneficial affect on your emotional life.
Counselling can be useful when experiencing issues such as:
- relationship issues
- work stress/issues, redundancy
- bereavement
- traumatic incidents.

What happens in counselling?
In an initial session I will ask questions about your early life and current situation so that I can get an understanding of your life and your experiences. Subsequently, the focus of the counselling will be your current situation or difficulty.
I provide skilled understanding and support throughout the counselling process. The counselling takes place in a safe, non-judgemental and confidential environment.
Sessions take place once a week and last 50 minutes. You can engage in counselling for as long as may be useful.